How Can I Keep From Singing?, 1991


Released in December 1991, this is the promo video for Enya single "How Can I Keep From Singing?", from the album shepherd Moons.

Time: 3:06

Produced by Entertainment Productions.

"How Can I Keep From Singing?" (also known by its incipit "My Life Flows On in Endless Song") is a Christian hymn with music written by American Baptist minister Robert Wadsworth Lowry. The song is frequently, though erroneously, cited as a traditional Quaker or Shaker hymn. The original composition has now entered into the public domain, and appears in several hymnals and song collections, both in its original form and with a revised text. Though it is not, in fact, a Quaker hymn, twentieth-century Quakers adopted it as their own and use it widely today.

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